Saturday, 11 June 2011

Everybody Wears A Mask

Did you ever think there are some people who really become themselves in front of you? If you think so, I suggest you to think twice. It doesn't matter how good or bad they are, I think everybody wears a mask. It's like avoidable thing. That's obvious. That's natural. That's human-being. It's just a trick in life that everybody hides something from you!

I'm not a hypocrite, sometimes I use it too. Because you can't always be accepted in every area, and you also can't always accept every area. It's like a cat that wants to cross a bridge with a lot of dogs. What should he does so the dogs won't disturb him? The answer is, the cat must make itself look like a dog, then act like a dog! Is that fake? Yes! Is that a wrong action? I don't think so! Because it knows it would die if it didn't do that.

Sometimes I find people that always wears masks wherever they go, and the surprising thing is, the masks are always changing. They can look like angels here, but look like devils there. Do you think it's okay? Well, I think it's a bit irritating. I mean, they now use their masks for something wrong. And I believe people hate it. That's what they call "hypocrate", isn't it?

If you want to wear a mask, don't use one that is too different with your face. You know what I mean? Look at the photo! The man is wearing a black mask, which is totally different with his skin. How can people not know he is wearing a mask? Of course everybody knows!

I believe everybody has their own real faces. You may use your mask, but don't let everybody knows what you're doing. You must know the trick, so you can be like a cat, which is accepted wherever it is. But remember, don't fake it. Don't be a hypocrite. You shouldn't lose yourself because of this thing. Most of all, don't irritate people and yourself with it. That's life!
Why must you wear a mask when people prefer your own face? You can't be proud of your mask. After all, it's just a mask.


  1. Sependapat! Menurut aku orang2 pake topeng cuma buat 'survive'. I do that too, dalam beberapa hal. Tapi suka bikin gelisah dan hati jadi nggak nyaman. I feel like, "Hey, this is sooo not me!"

    Ah, jadi nyadar, motto paling terkenal jaman SD yang "BE YOURSELF" ternyata punya arti yang mendalam. Tidak ada hal yang paling menyenangkan selain menjadi diri sendiri.

    Tapi, masih ada the happiest thing-nya: masih ada beberapa tempat dimana kamu nggak butuh topeng buat melewati hari bersama mereka. Emang langka sih, tapi masih ada. Dan sangat nyaman bisa main sama mereka, iya nggak sih?

    Haha, good entry, salam kenal. Visit my page too :)

  2. Hehehe.. salam kenal juga! By the way, kamu anak IPS 'kan?

  3. Hahah, iya, IPS 1. Kamu IPA 5 apa 6 gitu ya (pokoknya yang deket kabel)? :P
