Sunday, 20 March 2011

Lou Belle Shop

“Lou Belle was born in Montpelier, France. Ballet, Cupcakes, Toys, Fairies, Candies and Pattern dresses are her idée fixe. Reminiscence of her childhood in deep dark forest with a beautiful whistle was a good night tale before sleeping”.
Yup, lifestyle shop yang satu ini emang salah satu spot favorit Gogirl!. Kalo kamu lagi plesiran di Bandung, Gogirl! saranin buat mampir ke butik ini. Di dalamnya selain homey, Lou Belle juga dipenuhi dengan Vinyl Toys, and great Local Brand such as KLE, MAJIC, FAR, Hunting Field, Recycle Experience, Douche, TOC, Books, Magazine, Flatstreet, Kidrobot, Ugly Dols, Adfunture, CD, Vinyl Records, some FF/WD stuffs Potmeetspop Denim ETC. Kalo urban toys udah dapet, nah di Lou Belle juga bisa nemuin koleksi independent designer dari Indonesia, yang desainnya outstanding and timeless. Harga pakaian disini berkisar mulai dari Rp. 168.000 – Rp. 1.250.000. Dan kalo kamu udah penasaran pengen belanja, arahin deh mobil kamu ke ‘new pit stop shop for relaxing your manic day’.
Jl. Dr Setiabudhi No.56, Bandung

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