Thursday, 31 December 2009

The Things That Makes Me Sad Leaving the Year 2009.

This is the first and last time I wrote on my blog in Indonesian language...

Tidak terasa ya sudah mau tahun 2010 lagi. Sedih rasanya meninggalkan tahun 2009. Tahun ini adalah tahun dimana aku menemukan berbagai kesenanangan dan kebahagiaan yang sebelumnya belum pernah aku alami.

  • Pensi

Pentas seni. Kegiatan rutin/wajib yang dilakukan oleh murid-murid kelas 9 setiap tahunnya. Sebagai ajang bergengsi dan unjuk kebolehan yang akan di pamerkan kepada murid-murid kelas 7 dan 8 betapa kompak dan bagusnya angkatan kita! Kegiatan pensi ini juga sebagai kegiatan ujian praktek pelajaran kesenian.
Pada pensi yang kami adakan ini kami beri tema "Wonderland" yang menggambarkan dunia dongeng dan artinya karena di dunia dongeng, apapun dapat terwujud.
Kegiatan ini juga membutuhkan persiapan yang harus sempurna. Mulai dari persiapan panggung, dekorasi, dana, alur cerita, latihan, persiapan cerita drama yang akan di tampilkan, sampai persiapan band-band. Ini semua membutuhkan persiapan yang tidak sebentar dan harus ada yang mengkoordinasi.

Ayo Joget Jai Ho!


Program Sepekan Pengabdian ke Masyarakat. Dengan motto:
Disini aku bersama SOMAY pergi ke desa SindangSuka kecamatan Cibatu kabupaten Garut untuk membuat beberapa perubahan pada desa tersebut. Misalnya saja kami mengajar pada Sekolah Dasar di desa tersebut. Lalu kami mengadakan lomba-lomba, bakti sosial dan beberapa acara keagamaan seperti pengajian.

  • Suka dan Duka bersama SOMAY
Hm, apa ya? aku rasa banyak sekali yang menjadi suka dan duka pada saat aku bersama SOMAY. Mulai dari bermalam di sekolah untuk rapat angkatan sampai debat pada waktu rapat berlangsung. Mulai dari jalan bareng ke mall dan nontong bareng sampai pergi ke jakarta untuk refresing di dufan.
Wah, jika di urai satu-satu, pasti panjang sekali!
  • Pergi Refreshing ke Dufan dengan SOMAY

Aha! inilah bagian yang aku sukai! Acara Refreshing ni terjadi pada bulan april, seminggu sebelum kami melaksanakan ujian nasional. Sebelumnya acara Refreshing ini akan dilaksanakan pada 2 minggu sebelum kami ujian nasional, tapi karena beberapa hal, masalah transportasi, masalah izin dari orang tua masing-masing murid, tujuan kami akan refreshing, dan lain sebagainya. Jadilah kami pergi ke Dufan satu minggu sebelum ujuan nasional. Itu pun tidak semua murid ikut lantaran izin orang tua mereka.
Pada saat di dufan, aku sungguh gembira! aku dapat bersama-sama teman-teman yang aku kehendaki dan terbebas dari rasa canggung yang biasa kau alami pada saat di sekolah.
Tapi sayang, hari-hari seprti ini selalu cepat berlalu. Dan pada akhirnya, tiba juga hari dimana kami harus melaksanakan ujian nasional...

Ini Foto waktu kami di DUFAN.

  • Untuk pertama kalinya aku berada di peringkat ke 12 dari 52 anak!

Aku sungguh tidak menyangka akan berada di peringkat ke 12 dari 52 anak yang ada di angkatanku. Itu artinya aku berada di kelas A jika kami melakukan kelas rotasi, yaitu dimana kami akan berada di kelas dengan hasil yang kami peroleh dari melaksanakan Latihan ujian nasional atau PRA-Ujian Nasional.
Aku sungguh terkejut ketika ini di umumkan pada saat aku wisuda. Dan bukan hanya aku saja yang terjejut, tapi juga teman-teman dan guru-guruku. Sudah pasti terkejut, bagaimana bisa seorang Fadhil berada di peringkat ke 12 dan mendapatkan nilai 36.90?
Sedangkan pada saat sedang latihan tidak pernah menduduki peringkat ke 20! Bahkan, masuk kelas B pun tidak pernah, Apalagi kelas A? Yang ada hanya di kelas C dengan peringkat terakhir-tarakhir!

  • Aku membahagiakan ayah dan ibuku dengan cara mendapatkan nilai UN di atas 36 (yang artinya nilai rata-rataku di atas 9.0)

Jelas ayah dan ibuku senang! Bagaimana tidak, pada waktu aku kelas 6, aku mendapatkan nilai ujian nasional 31.00! Dari total 5 pelajaran! Itu artinya nilai rata-ratku hanya 6.00! Dan sekarang nilai rata-rata ujian nasional SMP yang aku peroleh adalah 9.00! Sungguh perbedaan yang jauh bukan?

  • Tahun dimana aku masuk sekolah negeri.

Yup! benar sekali. Tahun 2009 adalah tahun dimana aku untuk pertama kalinya bersekolah di sekolah negeri. Bayangkan saja, mulai dari aku masuk Taman Kanak-kanak hingga aku SMP, aku terus berada di sekolah swasta! Hm, dulunya, waktu aku akan lulus sekolah dasar dan akan melanjutkan ke SMP, aku bertujuan bersekolah di sekolah negeri. Tapi, karena nilai ujian nasional yang tidak mencukupi, aku pun masuk lagi di sekolah swasta.

  • Tahun dimana aku masuk SMA.

Sungguh sedih rasa mengingat hal ini. Yaitu mengingat bahwa sekarang aku adalah anak sekolah menengah. Bukan lagi anak SMP atau bahkan anak sekolah dasar.
Berarti sekarang aku sudah menuju ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, jenjang dewasa. Dan aku tidak menyukainya.
Dunia orang dewasa itu berat, penuh tanggung jawab, dan, yah, menyeramkan bagiku. Jika bisa, aku ingin terus menjadi anak SMP.
Dimana aku masih menjadi seorang anak yang baru pubertas, dimana aku masih berpikirsan polos dan tidak terganggu oleh hal-hal yang 'menyeramkan', dimana mata pelajaran yang di ajarkan tidak begitu sulit.
Jika kamu anak Sekolah menengah, itu berarti kamu harus mempelajari pelajaran yang sulit.
Misalnya saja pelajaran kimaia yang sudah mulai menghitung. pada waktu kamu menjadi anak SMP, pada pelajaran kimia, kamu hanya mempelajari teori-teori, tidak usah dengan angka-angka yang membuatmu pusing tujuh keliling.
Atau pelajaran bilogi yang harus hafal nama-nama ilmiah virus ini, bakteri ini, tumbuhan ini, dan lain sebagainya nama-nama yang tidak semua orang tahu.
Zygomicotina, Plasmodium, Oryza Sativa.
Oh! Tidak!
Itu adalah Sekolah menengah. Sulit. Menyeramkan. Tapi penuh dengan kebersamaan teman-temanmu (???)...

  • Tahun dimana aku menemukan sahabat-sahabat baru semenjak aku pindah ke Bandung.
Ulfah, Aldrina, Riska, Pipih, Haidar...
Itulah nama-nama sahabat baruku di sekolah menengah atas ini. Semenjak aku pindah ke Bandung ini dua tahun yang lalu, aku belum menemukan sahabat-sahabat sepertui dulu lagi.
Kenapa baru sekarang aku menemukan mereka? Pada saat Sekolah menengah atas? Tapi bukannya kamu pada waktu pindah ke Bandung pada kelas 8? Seharusnya kamu kan memilikinya tahun lalu?
Hahahaha,, itulah masalahnya. Pada waktu aku pindah ke sini, aku tidak langsung mendapatkan ganti dari sahabat-sahabatku yang ada di surabaya sana.
Tapi aku harus menunggu satu setengah tahun lamanya.
Itu di karenakan di sekolah Sekolah Menengah Pertamaku yang disini, tidak ada kelompok-kelompokan (apa hubungannya?).
Itu yang aku tidak suka dari sekolah lamaku dulu. Memang disana temannya baik-baik (ada SOMAY lagi!). Dan bagusnya aku betah disini!

Hahahaha,, itulah alasan-alasanku mengapa aku amat sanagat sedih meninggalkan tahun 2009!
Dan aku sangat berharap di tahun yang akan datang ini, tahun 2010, aku menemukan kesenangan-kesenangan yang lebih dari apa yang aku dapatkan di tahun ini.
Jadi, Selamat jalan 2009, dan Selamat Datang 2010!

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Target Plus Resolutions Must I Achieve in 2010

  • All the subjects had to score above the minimum criteria for completeness!
  • Do not cheat!
  • Must be signed in science class at 11!
  • Do not procrastinate to do the job, except for tasks that you absolutely can not do it. You can ask the teacher about the tutoring.
  • Don't postpone your assignments
  • Do not work half way! finish! finish!
  • Sign in the Biggest Ten!
Enhance learning by:
1. Diligent record the things important.
2. Note the explanation of teachers with good.
3. Do not talk when the teacher explained the lesson.
4. As often as possible to follow the tutorial in the tutorial that you follow.
5. Diligent reading textbooks.

  • Do not be wasteful!
  • Do not spend your money to buy the things you want but you do not need it.
1. At rest did not go to the canteen, if you're hungry, bring lunch from home. More efficient and healthy. Or if you do not bring lunch, you can go to the library to read a book or books that you take heed.
2. Write down your expenses. Write down what you buy and at what price, your weekly income, and how much money is in the tube.
3. Do not buy a book on gramedia, look for stores that have discount books forever! Togamas example.
4. Schedule this Hangout activities, watch movies, go to the bookstore, do nearly every week, it will affect your expenses.
5. Do not use all your allowance, for half your allowance for the tube.

  • Trying not to hate people just because his face ugly or anything else.
  • Reduce (Even Eliminate!) the nature of showing off to your friends. Is that good or something else.
  • Diligent jogging or sports every morning on Sunday of the week.
  • Often consume mineral water.
  • Do not be too often or reduce drinking water consumption other than bottled water.
  • Eat less junk food.
Ohya, not only in writing and be seen. But in DOING and DOING!!!

Friendly as Harry Potter.

  • Do not be picky friends
  • Do not judge by just one trait
  • Not ignorant and mock
  • Like to help and share knowledge

Be a Hermione Granger.

  • Prepare a lesson before entering the classroom.
  • Listen to the teacher with a good explanation.
  • Record, record, record!
  • Do not be shy to ask (shy to ask lost on the road, you know!).
  • Do not be shy to answer.
  • Practice and practice in daily life.
  • Avid reader.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

"Too Cool"

I dedicate this song to people who are not much cooler than me...

I'm too cool for my dress

These shades don't leave my head
Everything ya say is so irrelevant
You follow and I lead
You wanna be like me
But you're just a wannabe
Love it or hate it

I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand

But I'm too cool, too cool
I'm too cool to know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you

You think you're hot
But I'm sorry you're not
Exactly who you think you are
Can't tell you what, that you haven't got
But when we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you

You're lucky I'm so nice
Even I'm surprised
You are still allowed to be in my crew
I'll show you how it's done
If you wannabe someone
Just watch me and you'll learn some

Me myself and I agree
You'll never catch up with me

'Cause I'm too cool, too cool
I'm too cool to know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you

You think you're hot
But I'm sorry you're not
Exactly who you think you are
Can't tell you what, that you haven't got
But when we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you

You see some are born with beauty,
brains, and talent and they got it all
While others try all their lives
still they never get the call
That's the difference between you and me
Obviously, I'm a natural
I'm the real deal, yeah
I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand

And I'm too cool, too cool
I'm too cool to know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you

You think you're hot
But I'm sorry you're not
Exactly who you think you are
Can't tell you what, that you haven't got
But when we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you

Meaghan Martin

Friday, 25 December 2009

Things That Makes Me not Stand to be a Boy.

  • Boy like shopping will be on call like a girl but if the confluence of: knowing, his name is girl.
  • Boy wearing girl's clothing: BE REASONABLE, NOT DESERVE. Girl wearing boy's clothing? no problem.
  • Boy use skin care products, will be called metrosexual boy. Girl? Naturally lha! Girl's need to keep up appearances.
  • The boy who likes to cry if you saw the sad scene in the movie? Oh dear! Girl cry? You must be girl who are sensitive and gentle!
  • Boys had a doll collection? weird! girl collection cars? His hobbies are so cool!
  • The Boy who lifted a heavy burden would be on say "it's natural right? So not in need of help again." girl? "Poor, would I help you??"
  • The Boy who liked to be angry at say roughly. girl like mad? must be menstruating.
  • Boys walk in the mall, holding hands, there's a saying "There's nothing between them!" But, if the girl? Naturally! We're Best Friends Forever!
  • Boy will be responsible for the family if the father later on, while girl become mothers and just take care of the household.
  • Money is also a husband and wife money, but the wife's money so the wife money!
  • Boy have a responsibility greater than in girl.
And that's not all I mentioned how unpleasant a boy!
This is so unfair!

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Let's Shopping!

  • Date 17 December 2009 - 03 January 2010. At Planet Surf in Dago Plaza.
  • Until 27 December 2009. At Point Break in BSM.
  • 18 December 2009 - 05 January 2010. Year End Sale in Gramedia Merdeka.

My Favorite Poem.

maggie and milly and molly and may

maggie and milly and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)

and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles,and

milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;

and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and

may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea

E. E. Cummings

The Day when I was sunk.

Bad. One word to describe this day.
Value of a mediocre report card. And I was in rank to fifteen of forty students. It has made me very poorly. Plus with my father and my mother's anger, was a very very bad. Sad. Angry. Upset. That's how I feel right now.
There is no vacation. There is no cell phone shopping. No shopping novels. And no Hangout with dear friends. That there is only learning, learning, and learning!
Additional study, reading books, doing exercises. That is holiday time.

I am very very upset!! Why? Hhhh ... Good question.
First because I was ranked fifteenth.
Second, because there are people named lutfi ranked fifth! Oh god yes! Even at no better than me! He always spoke harshly. Not diligent in duties, which he could only come to school early in the morning and ask if today there is homework or not. And if there is, he only lived to copy a friend's homework is already done.
Third, the value of physics and mathematics lessons that I have too mediocre.
Just imagine, in physics I just got an 63, while the minimum value of completeness is 62. And for the math I only get 68 value, minimum value of completeness was 67! Oh! Very very fit right??
Hhhh, how my parents are not angry with this situation? Moreover, I've followed the tutorial in place a good and respectable!

Things That I Want (Gadget).

1. Sony Ericsson Aino

This cell phone which I desire! Touch screen, but it has a keypad. Actually I'm more pleased with the mobile phones made by Nokia, but there are several reasons that made me want to stay away from Nokia. One of them because they do not have a cell phone and have sailed touch keypad. If anything, the buttons of the QWERTY keyboard, not the numeric keypad. Another reason is because Nokia is more widely used by ordinary people. And I do not like this.

But the problem is, this phone is too expensive to have the students like me. And automatic father and my mother did not allowed me to have it. Although the savings I had. They said, "What have cell phones expensive, sell it later anyway if you will lose about 30% and more than you are using your money for things that are not too useful, you better use the money for these things more useful. ". Yeah, okay, it's true and they are not wrong to say so.

Sony Ericsson Aino technical specifications:

• Size: 104 x 50x15.5 mm

• Weight: 134 grams

• Phone colours: Obsidian Black, Luminous White

• Main screen: 16,777,216 True Colour TFT

• Resolution: 240 x 432 pixels

• Screen Size: 3 inches

• Cell phone memory: Up to 55MB

• Memory card support: SanDisk microSD

• Talk time GSM: Up to 13 hrs

• Standby time GSM: Up to 380 hours

• Talk time UMTS: Up to 4.5 hours

• Standby time UMTS: Up to 367 hours

• Video talk time: Up to 1 hour 40 mins

• Music listening time: Up to 31 hours

Sonu Ericsson Aino Features:

• The best of both worlds - traditional keypad and touch UI in media mode

• Media Home and Media Go - simple to take your content with you

• Remote Play with Playstation 3 - control your Sony Playstation from your phone

• 3 inch and 16 million colour screen - surf the internet in widescreen mode

• Clear audio experience - listen to music in high sound quality

• Design matched Wireless Headphone MH100 and Charging Stand EC10

2. Sony CyberShot T90

Can be said that I really need this camera (not as well.). For what? Exactly. That is for the scrapbook that will I make with 5family. And this camera serves as the capture moments that should be immortalized with a photo-quality images. Very important, right? especially considering it was scrapbook whose name shall have a photo that will remind us of these things.

And another thing to have it blocked me is my old man. They said, "you have given cell phones that have cameras, so why should you buy the same goods?"
Oh my god! But, it results in a cell phone camera is different from the original camera!

Features owned T90:
• Chic, ultra-slim design (13.9mm)
• 12.1 effective megapixels
• 3.0-inch wide Clear Photo LCD Plus touchscreen
• Carl Zeiss 4x optical zoom lens
• Record 720p HD movie clips
• Optical SteadyShot for clearer handheld shooting
• Enhanced Face Detection and Smile Shutter technology

3. iPod Nano Chromatic

Here's what I dreamed of before! iPod Nano Chromatic! I love the variety of color choices. Blue, Green, until Black. But I love the color Black. It seems adults.
And for the umpteenth time, my parents will not let me have it. The reason? "Because you're supposed to reduce the music, not added to-be."
It reasons that are not public. In fact, when viewed from the price is not expensive. But that's what my parents. Strange but true.

Want it? Yes! I Really want it!

4. Nokia 6700 Classic

Mmm ... Maybe it wanted a lot yes, to the extent that the cell phone I want more than one!
This one is, the Nokia 6700 classic. This mobile phone is so simple. Candybar, 5 megapixel camera, music player.
I'm sure if this phone let me in by my parents bought.
But the problem .... I was ranked 15th! And not so I asked for change mobile phone, even if I ask, would the starting raw!

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

My Favorites Words.

Do not be too looked up.
because many people are far more powerful than you.
Compare their ability with only
makes you less confident and did not do anything!

Do not be too ducked down.
Seeing people far more limited than you can
makes you pity, concern or otherwise, arrogant. Do
arrogant, because it was the beginning of the destruction.

Do not be too turned to the left & right.
Seeing the reactions of others or heard negative comments
will only make you uncomfortable!

No more looking back.
Bitterness of the past will attract and hinder you in
Makes it difficult to direct the view of the purpose.

Not looking too far.
Do not get too focused on future success and
sacrificing the present. After all, you're still a normal teenager
who still likes to play, laugh, enjoy the bright sky and
the beauty of life.

Instead, you can do this:
Hold the dream,
Try all you can,
Worship and study diligently,
Caring for others,
And enjoy life.
Nothing is more fun than that!

"Why Wait"

Picture it perfect
Don't hesitate to live your dreams
It's more than worth it
If you know what you wanna be

Why wait?
When now is the right time
Today could just pass you by
Why wait?
It's your turn, it's your life
The future is what we make
So why wait?

You've gotta reach out
and see the world is in you hands
I know you know how
just gotta go for it take a chance

Why wait?
When now is the right time
Today could just pass you by
Why wait?
It's your turn, it's your life
The future is what we make
So why wait?

Why wait?
We're ready to do this.
No way you can ever restart
Why Wait?
Tomorrow can be so far away or already here
Why wait?
You just gotta let go
You gotta believe in yourself all the way
You know that you got what it takes
So why wait?


Belinda Peregrin

Monday, 21 December 2009

Because I miss them...

Oh ... no! tomorrow on Wednesday 23 December 2009! Semester report card time for sharing! Oh my godness, I expect the value of my report cards could (should!) Above the average of all ...

And I also hope I got ten great! I'm looking forward to this.

Hhh ... but that makes me very very very sad and is ...

I'm going on holiday!
Huh? why? a holiday, why sad? should not you be happy?

No! Not because it's me sad! I was sad because when the holiday i could not see my friends in two weeks! And it was very very uncomfortble!Oh... and apparently I'm just sad about this... I'm sure my friends will enjoy their vacation from me... and I'm also not sure whether they will lose me ... huhuhuhu ... I am very very sad!

Things to do during the holidays.

  • Collect data or your favorite articles. Then make a scrapbook.
  • Prepare tools and materials to make 5Family Scrapbook.
  • Write about what happened during your vacation, you could say diary.
  • Let your friends about your holiday.
  • No matter if you can not vacation outside the home, you can create a vacation at home becomes very, very fun!
  • Open the site that you have friends, and establish relationships with online friends you have.
  • Clean and trim the places that need to be cleaned and the trim.
  • Do not forget, write it down (about anything!) on this beloved blog.
  • Ohya, do not forget at the time of going to school, prepare lessons so when you're at school you will not forget the lesson.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Went to Lembang

Do not like! I'm Tired of going out into the valley, did not see 'nice cappucino'! And my goal to go into the valley for it! Do not like! Leave at half five to go from home! How late do not try to get home? Huh! Do not like! Later that afternoon another headache! So I've not come Friday Praying! Ah ..! Not a good day ...
But of all the things that are not good today is that is not seen as 'nice cappucino' (Not really, see you but see it in my car. But still, not cool!).

Friday, 18 December 2009

Not good. Not bad. In the middle.

Upset. That's today. The five of us have agreed today will discuss the scrapbook we would make. Apparently, even talking is not clear! And this is not just happening today, but yesterday, yesterday, and tomorrow's. Every time I tell them that now is the time to discuss the scrapbook, they always say "Later, now I'm not in the mood."!
Huh! who is not upset if so?
But all was remedied by Sour Sally Frozen Yogurt. After coming back from school, I was invited by my mother to go to the mall. There my mother bought me a Sour Sally Frozen Yogurt large size! Ummm ...! Yummy! It's delicious!
Oh, thank you mom, I'll tell you her son was upset.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Day at the Library

Today I went to school. Though there is no lesson. But do I want to know! Because I want to meet friends view. Haha, I guess the school will no remedial at all. Turns out there! There are even economy, ICT, and chemistry. I'm so happy, why? I just remadial worn from ICT! At the time some of my friends follow the economic remedial, I and some friends who also did not follow the economic remedial, went to the library.

Very pleased because the library was quiet and there is no eleventh grade students and twelve. Would we could take pictures-photos there!

It's me and My Friends! Nena.

Disgusted! We are looking for an interesting book, but instead found the accounting books!

Ohya, my friend maia read a book and her voice in harden! god yes! she sounds shrill when!
And is this the Freak Maia! Her voice was so shrill!

Monday, 14 December 2009

Newmoon Movies in Theaters

Today I went appointments with my junior high school friends in CiWalk. We were going to watch the movies newmoon.
I'm going to use public transport and depart at 10:30 am. Because we agreed to meet at 11 o'clock in the morning. Promptly at 11 am I got there. I was shocked when he arrived. Because the situation in CiWalk has greatly changed when I was last time here. I met with a floating, maia, Vitri, and ideals.
Before movies, we eat at GokkanaTeppan. Then after the new watch.

We headed J. Co. after the movie and eating frozen yogurt in there. We each talked about our school each. And we share the problems in Somay.
Many problems in Somay I did not know! Because I do not have a twitter! Huh! This is not fair! Just because I do not have a twitter, I do not know anything!

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Dating is...

Just confess, if you're young, you'll want to have a boyfriend. Indeed, some psychologists said it was the hormones (hormones that sucks huh?).
But I think partly also because we want to know what it is or wants to look cool.
If you are assessed a person, it means you're beautiful, you're funky or trendy. In short you are cool!
If the love you boy or a girl who is also cool, it means you are so cool.
Having a boyfriend is like having a certificate of confirmation that you are a teenager cool.
But what about seeing the consequences if it only makes you full of problems?
Fight with your friends, just thinking about appearance, not concentrating in class, or worse:
depression because of a broken heart!
Well, it means you are not cool anymore. In my opinion, is not okay you do not have a boyfriend at the time of your junior high or
high school. There are many other things we can do, such as extracurricular activities go, learn, make friends as much as possible.
And believe me: no girlfriend or boyfriend you're still cool.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Adolescence without a broken heart.

Why must there is a sense that his broken heart? Why did god have to create that feeling?
I mean why we can not always be joyous? Or why in the world there must be a jerk boys, or girls ass?
But if to think if we do not have a broken heart, we will never feel the beauty of falling in love again.
Are not we can enjoy the sun when we've felt the rain for days? So I guess a broken heart once in a while no matter open?
Speaking of youth without a broken heart, it might be fun, too, without school youth. Wait, sekolahkan fun sometimes, especially when I get a 90 score on engineering classes, as well as moments of gossip with friends.
Okay, maybe the teenage years without a broken heart and without the school was not possible.
How about the teenage years without a girlfriend? Hm, difficult, but okay. Without a friend? sullit once. Without a greasy nose?
Oh, it was impossible, but I really want it.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

What happened today.

First. Stop being Miss. comments. Given the bad comments about you, very very unpleasant. Second. Given the bad comments by others about you better than have a BROKEN HEART!

Friday, 20 November 2009


In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley learns that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian informs White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser and United States President Thomas Wilson that this will trigger a catastrophic chain of natural disasters. In 2010 Wilson, along with other international leaders, begin a massive, secret project intended to ensure humanity survives. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board ships called "arks" that are constructed in the Himalayas. Additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector for one billion euros per person. By 2011 they start to move humanity's valuable treasures to the Himalayas, so that their history can survive when the end comes.

In 2012, Jackson Curtis is a science-fiction writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate and their children Noah and Lily live with Kate's boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot, Gordon Silberman. Jackson takes Noah and Lily camping in Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, who hosts a radio show from the park. Charlie references a theory that suggests the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar predicts that the 2012 phenomenon is going to occur, and claims he has knowledge and a map of the ark project. The family returns home as seismic activity vastly increases along the west coast. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon as the Earth crust displacement begins, and they narrowly escape the city using a Cessna 340 as Los Angeles sinks into the Pacific Ocean.

As millions die in cataclysmic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map, escaping as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to broadcast the eruption, is killed in the blast. Learning the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his twin sons, girlfriend Tamara and pilot Sasha. The group secures an Antonov 500 aircraft and departs for China. Also heading for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Helmsley, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson chooses to remain in Washington D.C. and is soon killed by a megatsunami which sends the USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President dead and the Speaker of House missing, Anheuser assumes leadership.

Arriving in China in a crash landing that kills Sasha, the group is then spotted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, possessing tickets, are taken to the arks. The Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara, none of whom possess tickets, are picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk on his way to the arks. They stowaway with the help of Nima's brother, Tenzin, who has been working on the ark project. A megatsunami approaches the site as tens of thousands of people are attempting to board the final ark, when a large impact driver becomes lodged between the gears of the ark's hydraulics chamber, preventing a boarding gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines. In the ensuing chaos, Gordon, Yuri and Tamara are killed, Tenzin is wounded and the flooding ark is set adrift. Jackson and Noah free the impact driver from the closing mechanism, and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest.

When the global floodwaters from the tsunamis recede, three arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, where the Drakensberg mountains have risen in relation to sea level. Jackson reconciles with his family and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The Earth is shown from space, revealing a drastically changed Africa as the only continent visible above sea level.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Because We're Just Getting Started...

Why is it so like this ...? And we just started! And again it's only the tenth grade!
That means not more than six months of our friendship!
New early tenth grade course is like this, how it later!
The first one, To one another, To be the next ... who else?

Remember this photo???

Differentiate! We are in this picture with us now! 360-degree difference!

The Old 5Family™ or the first 5Family™ are:
  • Arkandiyan Haidar
  • Edenia Rizki Salmi
  • Aldrina Julizca Chandra
  • Meisha S. Irsan
  • and Me, Fadhil Ihsan.
And everything changes
First one...
Then one...
And one more...
Finally, stay two members...
And they create a new
5Family™, or 5Family™ now...

Want to know more About the outbreak of the first 5Family™? Read: Early First 5Family™ Destruction. Coming soon in this blog!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

The Final Destination

Ten years after the explosion of Flight 180, nine years after the pile-up on Route 23, and four years after the derailment of the Devil's Flight roller coaster, Nick O'Bannon (Bobby Campo) has a premonition of a racecar crash at the McKinley Speedway race track which sends debris flying into the audience, crushing several spectators and resulting in the stadium collapsing, which kills almost everyone in the 180 section. In a quick second, Nick manages to convince his girlfriend Lori Milligan (Shantel VanSanten), and friends Hunt Wynorski (Nick Zano) and Janet Cunningham (Haley Webb) to leave the stadium. They are followed out by others who are angry when the group pushes past them to escape, including mother Samantha Lane (Krista Allen), mechanic Andy Kewzer (Andrew Fiscella) and his girlfriend Nadia Monroy (Stephanie Honoré), racist Carter Daniels (Justin Welborn), and security guard George Lanter (Mykelti Williamson). The catastrophe Nick had seen occurs and kills several people, including Carter's wife, Cynthia (Lara Grice). A tire flies out of the race track seconds later and decapitates Nadia.

After a memorial service at McKinley Speedway, Carter is blown up with his tow truck and Samantha is killed by a flying rock propelled by a lawnmower, which goes through her eye. Before their deaths, Nick had seen how they would die. After hearing about Carter and Samantha's deaths on the news, Nick and Lori begin doing research, and learn about the disasters that occurred during the three previous incidents. First there was the Flight 180 explosion, then the Route 23 pile-up, and then the Devil's Flight derailment. The survivors in all three disasters began dying in a series of improbable accidents shortly afterward in the order they were meant to die originally. While Hunt and Janet refuse to believe them, Nick and Lori manage to convince George that Death is after them and the trio begin trying to warn the other survivors. The next to die is Andy, who is diced through a chain link fence by a CO2 tank. Hunt later goes to the pool and his intestines are sucked out violently by the drain. Lori and George are able to save Janet from drowning in a car wash and think they have defeated Death, but Jonathan Grove (Jackson Walker), another survivor, is crushed when a ceiling collapses.

Nick has another premonition where George is hit by an ambulance and Janet, Lori, and himself are killed by an explosion in a mall movie theater. When Nick wakes up from the premonition, George gets hit by the ambulance, leaving Nick to save Janet and Lori on his own. He succeeds in extinguishing the fire that would have caused the initial explosion.

Weeks later, the trio, thinking they have conquered Death's plan, celebrate surviving in a cafe. Nick notices a loose leg on a scaffold outside the cafe, and he tells a construction worker to fix it up. Once inside he drifts off into thought after seeing omens around him, and realizes that his premonitions and signs, along with all the disasters and deaths that had occurred since the speedway incident, are red herrings from Death used to manipulate them into where and when it would really come for them. Just as Nick realizes this, the scaffold falls, and in order to avoid it, a truck swerves, and crashes through the cafe window, crushing Janet, Lori, and Nick, thus leaving no survivors of McKinley Speedway.

Monday, 24 August 2009

What Happened in BSM FoodCourt.

Oh, no. Tomorrow is the physics test. And I did not understand the chapters of this vector.
"Like it or not studied together in the BSM??" Aldrina said. And we answered, "Oh, yes. Of course." Clearly apparent on going, do not we all do not understand physics, except haidar and ulfah. Yes, exactly, those who will be our teacher. But, oh! study in BSM? actually not a problem, but I'm sure there will be something happening there.
1PM and bells also rang us straight to the BSM. Me, ulfah, aldrina, riska, and meisha go there using public transportation. And Bobi, haidar come with the motor.

When we got there, we went straight to the foodcourt (oh, no! It's been fasting month! But they were invited to learn together here!). We immediately opened each bag and pulled out the books to study physics.
Uuuuuugggghhhhh !!!!! I've had enough with the actual vectors, important figures, and sin, cos, tan!
But what could I do, tomorrow test. So inevitably, like do not like to be!!

Haidar smelly breath!

This is the book! Student Worksheet Physics!

This video when we were discussing the chapter vectors.

While busy and serious way...... There still is no concentration of, for example mei who holds a cell phone constantly, keep the aldrina the make jokes continue.

And until the end ..... meisha .... her permission to go briefly out to meet her ex-boyfriend.
We also continue to learn, until finally she comes ....

"Huhuhuhuhu .... hey guys .... guess what? I've seen the verda kiss with ex girlfriend ....
And in front of me .... Huhuhu ....." meisha said.
Our automatic shock. And at that moment and haidar aldrina to go out to berate the verda. But mei forbade them to meet verda
but too late, they had to get out, and in one after another by bobi and riska. I and ulfah living. But I told riska bring camcorders
and record the events (it can be a keepsake!).

They went back. By looking very very grim! That's what me and ulfah surprised.
"What happened??" I asked and ulfah simultaneously.
But they remained silent. And riska suggest to ask again later along with a brief explanation, solid, and clear...

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

the Haidar House.

Date of Wednesday 19 August 2009. That day was the anniversary of Indonesia in school. There are lots of automated events held at the school.
And actually happened that day shall not come to school.
But we kept coming.
But at school we were bored. And finally we agreed to visit the homes haidar.
At that moment in meisha was intercepted by a former boyfriend. Well we say, "May, we hold you in the front minimarket yes!"
We were off to the minimarket located in front of the school. We waited a long time, and even meisha did not come.
We've tried mengghubungi cell phone. But he did not lift. Okay. We also agreed to not wait and went straight
haidar to the house.
Joy. We were there a lot of talk about ourselves and our schools first. There is also our lunch.
Not feel it was afternoon. Okay, we agreed to go home.

Really Calm you, Dena!

Uuuuuggggghhhhhhh!!! Let's cook!!!

"I'm Cooking!!!" Aldrina said.

Not finished in the cooking, was the first meal!

Let's eat together!